It is a long-established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.



OCR Services

The mechanical or electronic translation of data into machine-editable text is known as optical character recognition or OCR. Data entry with OCR, which is usually taken by a scanner, is faster, more accurate, and efficient than keystroke data entry. A third-party provider located in offshore countries, working on back-office transactions at lower costs, is popularly known as an OCR Services.

The most cost-effective solution is to outsource OCR and data entry to call center service providers. Kavya Sourcing is the best company to outsource your optical character recognition services to. Kavya Sourcing’s cutting-edge technology will ensure that your data collecting is in good hands.

Our OCR Services

  • OCR for Legal Documents
  • OCR Clean-up Services
  • OCR for Invoices
  • OCR for Medical Records
  • OCR Scanning Services
  • OCR for Insurance Claims
  • OCR Conversion Services
  • Document Digitizing Services
OCR Services

Why Choose Us?

Outsource Data Conversion Services

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